
Using buttons with no icons or text

Using buttons with no icons or text
  1. Why use icons instead of text?
  2. When should icons include a text label?
  3. Should buttons have borders?
  4. Should buttons have shadow?

Why use icons instead of text?

Icons can save space over text, but at the price of recognition. For small icons, such as 16x16 pixel, it's very difficult for users to even recognize what they are supposed to be a picture of, let alone what the picture is supposed to stand for. One user I know thought the “disk” icon for save was a picture of a TV.

When should icons include a text label?

To help overcome the ambiguity that almost all icons face, a text label must be present alongside an icon to clarify its meaning.

Should buttons have borders?

Can I design buttons without a border? The foundational rule of good button design is simple — buttons should look like buttons. Border reinforces the feeling of a traditional button and creates an eye-catching target for the user. Without a border, the UI element looks more like a link rather button.

Should buttons have shadow?

Shadows are invaluable cues in telling users what UI elements they're looking at. Drop-shadows make the element stand out against the background and makes it easily identifiable as a tappable/clickable element, because objects that appear raised look like they could be pressed down (tapped/clicked).

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