
Should off-screen elements be accessible prior to being toggled?

Should off-screen elements be accessible prior to being toggled?
  1. How would you visually hide an element in the UI so it's still accessible for screen readers?
  2. Do screen readers read disabled inputs?
  3. How can screen readers be accessible?
  4. Do screen readers read elements with display none?

How would you visually hide an element in the UI so it's still accessible for screen readers?

To hide text from a screen reader and display it visually, use the aria-hidden attribute and set it to true. To hide text from a screen reader and hide it visually use the hidden attribute. You can also use CSS to set display: none or visibility: hidden to hide an element from screen readers and visually.

Do screen readers read disabled inputs?

Screen readers ignore disabled controls, so screen reader users won't hear the message. Add some nearby visible help text for the button. This would work for sighted users, but not necessarily for low vision users or blind users using a screen reader.

How can screen readers be accessible?

Screen readers use HTML tags to understand the content and regions of the page, and what elements are available for the user to select. For this reason, the most effective way to make your web pages accessible is to structure your HTML code with semantically rich tags.

Do screen readers read elements with display none?

Screen readers generally ignore anything with display: none, therefore it is not read out to screen readers. There are various ways of having things hidden visually or non-visually, so we'll run through the cases and techniques for each.

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